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The Proctors' and Marshal's Office

Societies Fair

The Annual Submission on Moodle will open on 1 October and close at midnight on 31 December

Becoming a University Society

In the first instance, please register your Club/Society with Cambridge SU: Cambridge Student Union

Any club or society consisting wholly or partly of current undergraduate or postgraduate students in the University may apply to the Junior Proctor for registration as a University Society.

Registration with the Universirtyis not mandatory but does provide certain benefits which are not available to unregistered clubs or societies. For example:

  • only University registered clubs and societies may apply to the Societies Syndicate for financial assistance;
  • University registered clubs and societies are covered by the University’s public liability insurance policy (subject to a relevant risk assesment covering all activities/events); and
  • University registered clubs and societies are also entitled to space on the University’s web pages.

Advantages of Registering with the University, via the Junior Proctor: your society will be listed on the Registered Societies listing with a link to your webpage, a dedicated MS Teams site and OneDrive to collaborate and manage your society business, a society @cam mailing list, access to grants & loans via the Technical Committee and Societies Syndicate, Use of CU name and Arms. The SRCF also offers webhosting should you need it: Regarding group emails, and mailing lists, see the information about them on you will need to fill in the webform to apply for them.

The University’s Public Liability Insurance policy covers all student clubs and societies that are registered with the Junior Proctor and listed on University of Cambridge Registered Clubs & Societies, but the Product Liability Insurance cover only applies to products that have been notified to and accepted by the underwriter.

The definition of products in the insurance policy is the following:

Products - Goods or anything including packaging, containers, labels and instructions sold, supplied, hired out, constructed, erected, installed, treated, repaired, serviced, processed, stored, handled, transported or disposed of by the insured or on the insured's behalf in business

If a society has a product, it is highly advisable to apply for Product Liability insurance. In order to arrange this cover, societies must contact the University Insurance Section with the following information:

  • A description of the product, with further information/documentation if needed.
  • Does the University have oversight of the product concerned via a tutor/lecturer/other employee?
  • Where geographically is it to be used/implemented/sold and does this include any North American territories?
  • Is the product being developed out of research or consultancy contracts (and therefore constitutes a Professional Indemnity risk)?
  • Are the University being asked to provide a subrogation waiver or hold harmless as part of any agreements?

In the absence of insurance cover, the society will be legally and financially liable for any third party property damage or bodily injury claims.

List of Registered Societies

List of Sporting Clubs and Societies, registered with the Sports Service

Proctorial Notice - Clubs and Societies 

Student Society Re-registration

The system now works through upload to Moodle for authorized Society officers.

New Registrations will need to be emailed to the Junior Proctor first for consideration. 

Useful documentation

Detailed notes on registering clubs and societies, and useful supporting documentation, are available to help you in the process:

A University Society will also need to register it's name and List of Officers with Cambridge SU, and 're-register' this each year in June/July by completing a re-registration form found here:

Cambridge SU will send annual reminders for this in Easter Term. This re-registration with Cambridge SU will help to keep Society Officer details up dated, all through the year. This will also help with registration for the annual Freshers Fair in Michaelmas Term.   


You can see a list of all currently registered Societies.

Useful email addresses

Can be contacted for general UIS (University Information Services) queries.

Can be contacted for queries regarding registration of a University Club or Society. Can be contacted with queries regarding grant applications Can be contacted for all your printing needs.  Reprographics Can be contacted for enquiries with regards to Cambridge Student Union